Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
7:33 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I haven't disapeared
I've spent the last week with walking Pnemonia. I'm still sick so this will be short. I'm feelin better and I promise I am not slacking.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
9:55 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
I graduated last December,my bachelors degree. My sociology professor was a New Orleans evacuee. He had lived in New Orleans for five years before Katrina struck. My first day of class I had a UNO tshirt on. He came into the class and said he loved my t-shirt. He had been a professor there. He has this habit of saying "yeah you right" I always found it funny because you never hear it from anyone. I have to admit I would kinda roll my eyes when he would say it. Its a saying New Orleanians are known for but you just don't hear it from life long locals. In fact at graduation my family drove up. I introduced my family to him. Somewhere in the conversation he said"yeah you right" and my dad whispered to me, "he's not originally from New Orleans is he" I giggled. But I really shouldn't have. He has a passion for New Orleans. He is more New Orleans than many life long locals. He has the kind of enthusiasm than New Orleans desparetely needs right now. It's people like him that will keep the culture alive local or not.
I guess the poiint of this whole thing is to suggest that some people take New Orleans for granted. New Orleanians need to remember what makes New Orleans so great, to embrace it and foster it. Maybe they need to do what my professor does. View it with fresh eyes, get excited and passionate about the things that make us unique.
When I was in my 20's I said I wanted to get out of New Orleans. I got my wish (and my husband has had to endure my enless comparisons to New Orleans) and the rest of the country, to me, seemed like a whole other country. You never realize what ya had till its gone. Being away from home reminds me everyday of what I am missing out on. When I get home I am going to do my best not to take it for granted..... and oh, "yeah you right".
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
10:08 PM
Marine 1
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
7:15 PM
The house and Senate have overridden Bush's veto of the water bill! This bill allows for full funding of levee protection for the 100 year flood and it closes the Mr GO canal! This funding definitely makes a lot of us feel better about moving back home. Now all we need is full funding for a Cat 5 levee protection.
Congress also passed a bill which dedicated 3 billion to Road Home. It's in a bill that funds the military so I would be surprised if it receives a veto. One would hope it passes so many New Orleanians aren't deprived of road home funds.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
5:52 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Aimin for Home
Well my husband has been offered a military contractor job. We hope we'll end up in Alabama, the closest location to New orleans this company has. It'll only be a five hour drive. So we are slowly , inch by inch, headed home. Hopefully in two years well have enough saving to come home.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
1:40 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Military Halloween
One thing about living on a military base, there is no shortage of kids. We spent about seventy five dollars on candy and had about 200 kids. We ran out of candy with half an hour left to go on trick or treat time. (Yes, on bases the military determines when trick or treating will happen.) Trick or treating was from 6 pm to 8 pm.
I can't complain though we love giving out candy and its better than having no kids.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
2:12 PM