Somebody finally had the balls to say it. Kisinich has questioned the mental health of our commander and chief. Some have brushed off the comment. But really why has no one really explored Bush's mental status?
Bush initiated the Iraq war on a lie, he has continued that war in spite of expert's insistence that a surge will not turn the tide in the war. He has behaved aggressively toward Iran (see article for his World War III comment), he has upset the Russians in his bid for missile defence in the Russians sphere of influence (I believe Putin mentioned Bush's decision could bring on a second cold war).
Essentially his foreign policy could be described a warmongering. And what surprises me is that no one seems alarmed. This just baffles me, it matters because it could end up affecting every single man in this country. Our military is tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan. Who will fight a war in Iran, Draft anyone?
As an aside, Congress' decision to declare the Armenian death march, that occurred in Turkey during World War One, a genocide was terrible diplomacy. Especially when we are dependent on bases in Turkey to support the force in Iraq. The least they could have done was to table that issue until after Iraq stabilizes. Now it looks like we'll have a new front in Iraq.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Bush, a nutcase?
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
5:26 PM
Another one bites the dust!
According to NOLA Jordan has resigned. I have a feeling Nagin is feeling the pressure and getting Jordan to resign is one way to appease the city. (despite the TP's report that Nagin had nothing to do with the decision) Now we have an interum DA until elections are held. Wonder who will run? I hope Foti realizes he is persona non grata in this city and doesn't decide to run.
DA's down, now the question is where is the money coming from?
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
4:16 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Foti for DA???????
According to the Times Picayune. Foti has advised Nagin that he would be happy to step in to help the city with its DA problems. Why do I get the feeling that Foti has his eye on the DA position. He lost reelection and needs to find another office. I'm not sure New Orleans would embrace him. It'll be interesting to see where this goes....stay tuned.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
12:07 AM
Friday, October 26, 2007
What goes around comes around
Sounds like a movement to impeach, recall,or have Eddie Jordan resign are underway. I found two recall petitions online. However, we'll have to wait and see if an organized move to get the number of required signatures emerges.
Jindal says he will have the house convene in January on ethic concerns. However, it remains to be seen if anything will be done on a state level.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
4:28 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Oops I did it again
there is a reason I should move home. So I stop telling off people. Yep I told off a second person today. The topic...New Orleans. The question, Why should we (as in America) pay to rebuild New Orleans? This came after the comment its a waste of money because we are below sea level.
My response, minus the swearing, was this. Wouldn't you feel your place was worthy of rebuilding, How would you respond to loosing your place?
Then I told him my city has more culture than any other city in the country. I won't mention what I said about his city but it had something to do with no soul, ranch hell, and americana at its worst.
Anyway, I get these questions regularly and it just pisses me off. I'm really coming to dislike the rest of the country. I need to get home soon before I get myself in trouble.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
4:10 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Jordan in trouble
If we haven't discovered how inept Jordan is, here is another example. He can't pay the 3.7 million award to former employees he fired for being white. Now he wants the City to pay the bill. Of course we can't have the district attorneys office fall apart trying to pay this. So the good people of New Orleans will have to flip the bill.
So the people of New Orleans are paying for Nagin's mistake. Haven't they paid enough already?
I was reading thru NOLA comments on this story and I had to note a particular one. One writer suggested the city pay the bill. However, it is contingent on Jordans resignation.
What a great idea!
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
4:09 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
I got an A !!
I prayed for a C. However, I managed an A in my Civil War Interventions course!
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
4:11 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Election Coverage
For those out of town, there is live election coverage on the web. Click here on WWL to link to the page.
Coverage begins today at 7 pm.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
6:26 PM
We're #1
Travel and Leisure put out a poll asking people about their likes and dislikes when it came to twenty or so cities.
New Orleans came in #1 for....
After dark entertainment overall
Best cocktail hour
Best live music
Cheap Eats
We have the funnest people around!!! (who didn't know that)
Best antique and Flea market shopping
Voted best girlfriend trip or wild weekend.
We came in #2 for....
The friendliest people and great people watching
Gay friendliest city
Overall food and dining
Our worst scores were for safety, cleanliness, and we aren't a very attractive bunch.....
No surprises there!
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
1:27 AM
Levees "Riddled with Flaws"
I'm sure locals have already heard this story but I thought this was a pretty good article written in National Geographic.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
12:51 AM
Mississippi's Cup Runneth Over
This really makes me sick. According to this article Mississippi was appropriated so much money for housing they want to use $600,000 of it to expand the port. Officials state there is plenty of grant money for homeowners even with the redirection of funds.
Only if New Orleans had that kind of problem. Mississippi should send those surplus government funds over this way. Road Home has a 3.3 billion deficit.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
12:23 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
2nd Annual Cresent City Blues Festival
If you are fortunate enough to be down in New Orleans this weekend. Make sure you get down to the Blues Festival down in Lafayette Square. I'm soooooo jealous.
Friday, October 19:
4:00 - 5:30pm Bryan Lee & the Blues Power Band6:00 - 7:30pm Walter "Wolfman" Washington with special guests James Winfield
Saturday, October 20:
Dancehall Stage12:10 - 12:50pm Rockin' Jake Blues Band1:05 - 1:45pm Papa Grows Funk2:00 - 2:35pm Little Freddie King2:50 - 3:30pm Henry Gray3:45 - 4:30pm Tab Benoit w/ Special Guest Tabby Thomas4:45 - 5:30pm Marva Wright5:45 - 6:30pm Tinsley Ellis6:45 - 7:30pm Bobby "Blue" Bland
Juke Joint Stage11:30am - 12:10pm Washboard Chaz Blues Trio12:50 - 1:05pm Washboard Chaz Blues Trio1:45 - 2:00pm Rockie Charles & Guitar Slim, Jr.2:35 - 2:50pm Rockie Charles & Guitar Slim, Jr.3:30 - 3:45pm Rockie Charles & Guitar Slim, Jr.4:30 - 4:45pm Robert Belfour5:30 - 5:45pm Robert Belfour6:30 - 6:45pm Robert Belfour
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
11:20 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I was talking with a friend in New Orleans today. We were talking about the upcoming elections. She asked me what was going on in my neck of the woods.
The answer I gave was " I have no idea".
Here's the deal, I don't care. I don't watch the news here, don't read the papers, and don't get involved. Period.
I just don't care, I don't feel like a part of this community...and I don't want to be a part of it.
I read the times picayune, gambit, listen to wwl online, etc...
My heart just isn't in this place I reside. It's not New Orleans. I'm stuck in limbo and cling to any news of New Orleans I can get my hands on.
We are about to move to Dallas until we can save up to move home and I'll know it'll be the same there. I won't even try.
It was like this when I spent two years in Florida. Never having lived outside New Orleans, I compared everything to it and found Florida lacking.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
10:18 PM
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
9:27 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
More Senseless Violence
New Orleans has always been a violent city. Its so frustrating and one wonders what it will take for the tide to turn. Recent murders have evoked an outcry from the community. There have been marches but the violence has not receded. It leave one wondering where the problem lies and what is required to act on it. I wonder if the problem lies within so many social institutions that there is no one simple solution. Rather, it will require a massive overhaul of not only justice institutions but of our very social fabric.
I think we all feel helpless, and in the mean time the violence continues unabated.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
1:36 PM
The Charter Question
New Orleans is at the forefront of an experiment in public education. The state has taken over failing schools and has given some over to private organizations as charter schools. It's still too early to determine whether the charter system will pull up the performances of students. What is significant about this process is that it will test the requirements of the No Child Left Behind law. According to No Child Left Behind, nationwide, if a school is failing they are to become charter schools. The programs in New Orleans will reflect whether or not this is a practical solution on a large scale. I will hold off on making an opinion as the jury is still out.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
1:21 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Down with K-Ville
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
2:56 PM
Make Levees, Not War
If you've read my profile you know my husband is in the military. We also happen to live on an army base. Yesterday I was invited to a barbecue. Since entering grad school I find that doing laundry has taken a back seat. So, with nothing to wear I grabbed my "Make Levees, Not War" t shirt.
Suffice it to say I got many dirty looks from many big guys. It didn't add up at first. I couldn't figure out what their deal was. Then I looked down.
In New Orleans the shirt wouldn't get a second look. But anyone with sense would know a military base isn't the place to showcase this sentiment.
However, I have more passion then sense. I'm proud of my shirt and stand by it's declaration. I dare anyone to question it. I believe domestic concerns should take precedence over foreign policy. Until we get an administration that understands this I will wear my t shirt.
P.S. I get better responses from my Fema Evacuation: Run bitch run tshirt. At least they let a laugh escape before giving me a disapproving look. I once had a soldier tell me I should have homeland security investigating me because of the tshirt. I laughed. Some people have absolutely no sense of humor.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
1:56 AM
K-Ville, what a joke
In the second episode you have a sheriff who looks as if he's boss hog incarnate. Yes we have corrupt politicians but they are not the stereotypical southern politicians that the show chose.
My suggestions to the writers is to get out in New Orleans ans study up. Your show sucks. It's an insult to the city.
We have no issue with a show bringing to light the problems we all know exist in the city. What we do have a problem with is the almost cartoonish way they present it.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
1:14 AM
Permit to Secondline??!!!
My thoughts on this event are simple. If you don't like it move out.
Spontaneous second lines have taken place in New Orleans for generations. Its a part of our culture. If you move to New Orleans be prepared to acclimate yourself to that culture.
New Orleans culture is already in jeopardy. When our culture is threatened we tend to hold it even tighter to our hearts. We welcome new people and encourage people to share their culture with us but don't try to change whats already in place. We don;t take kindly to it.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
1:05 AM
Priced Out
Priced out of my own city. It's the reason I started this blog. My husband says lets just head back to New Orleans. If it were only that easy. He's a cop and I am a first time teacher, among the lowest paid jobs in New Orleans. Rents are insane, I took a look at Craigslist and saw precious few rentals below $1000. That may be normal for other cities but not New Orleans. Even home prices are astronomical. We would be first time home buyers so buying a gutted home, financially, is out of the question. Renovated homes are priced out of our range. Don't even get me started on home insurance. We'd probably have to get citizens (insurer or last resort) and pay $4000 a year. All utility bills in the city have gone up. Even groceries are above the national average. Everything is expensive.
If you already own a home in New Orleans you have a fighting chance. I've talked to friends in New Orleans , who like us are just starting to come to the time in their lives when they want to be home owners. They too find that they have to put off that dream indefinitely. They all spend a good chunk of their pay on tiny apartments.
I worry that living in New Orleans now means poverty for the working and middle class. I worry even more that it will be a long time before I get to be with my family and friends.
This sucks.
Posted by
The long, long road home,New Orleans
12:39 AM